Lived Experience


I tried to kill myself in the summer of 2006. I was 23. I spent a month deeply entrenched in an exhaustive cycle of breaking up and getting back together with Emma*, the girl I'd loved for three years. She was cheating on me, but neither of us could sever ties with the other.

By |2017-08-10T09:00:56-07:00July 5th, 2017|Attempt Survivors, Lived Experience, Stories|Comments Off on “LIVE THROUGH THIS WITH ME”

The Wound Is The Place Where The Light Enters You

On a chilly evening in late March of 2012, I walked into a room and sat down amongst a group of strangers. The only thing we had in common was we all had lost someone who died by suicide.

By |2017-08-09T09:48:41-07:00May 24th, 2017|Lived Experience, Loss Survivor, Stories|1 Comment

The Suicide Layer Cake

Layer One - Lies The blackness arose from the lies. The layers of blackness slowly turned to grays and browns. Each color representing some new form of deflection, self-preservation, or justification to make sure I never had to face the pain directly. Those layers let in peaks of light and, at very rare times, happiness. [...]

By |2017-04-07T16:28:47-07:00April 11th, 2017|Attempt Survivors, Lived Experience, Stories|1 Comment


Read Director Lisa Klein's recently published piece on Mental Health on The Mighty. Looking back at loss and lessons learned along the way, ā€œHow could he have done that to us? It was so selfish.ā€ I wondered this as well, until I started talking with and listening to people with lived experience ā€“ people who [...]

By |2017-03-01T16:46:12-08:00March 1st, 2017|Lived Experience, Loss Survivor, Stories|Comments Off on Retrospect

These Things I Do, That Others May Live

From the very start of my training as a clinical psychologist, I was interested in suicide prevention and have wanted to work with individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts. As an early career psychologist, I worked with and provided treatment to hundreds of suicidal individuals. When I deployed to Iraq in 2009, however, my relationship with [...]

By |2017-02-17T14:45:41-08:00February 15th, 2017|Attempt Survivors, Experts, Lived Experience, Stories, Veterans|Comments Off on These Things I Do, That Others May Live

Did Somebody Lose Their Marbles?

After shooting the film ā€œThe Crucible,ā€ during which I had a manic episode, I returned to Los Angeles and had to find a new agent. I told him at my interview I had bipolar disorder. He said, ā€œOh, honey, Iā€™ve had actors wander off sets for weeks on a binge. You are the least of [...]

Mentally Prepared: Fixing Mental Health Policies at Harvard

My name is Nikki Daurio and Iā€™m currently a sophomore at Harvard University. Last year, I developed depression and suicidal ideation so I decided to seek help. I noticed several flaws within the Mental Health Services on campus and encountered several paradoxes in the public health system. Following that, I decided to dig deeper and [...]

By |2017-02-15T14:31:20-08:00January 31st, 2017|College, Lived Experience, Stories|Comments Off on Mentally Prepared: Fixing Mental Health Policies at Harvard
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