
Gabriel Reyes

I thought THE S WORD was a “sword”.  My favorite weapon is a sword. Imagination can take you anywhere. My imagination takes me to places like Wyoming and China. A suicide attempt at age 8 doesn’t define me. I can re-imagine myself. –Gabriel Reyes, Age 9

By |2018-06-05T14:39:05-07:00March 1st, 2018|Stories|Comments Off on Gabriel Reyes

Sharing Stories: How I Learned to Stop Fearing Attempt Survivors

It was about a year after my son Noah’s suicide, at a conference for survivors of suicide loss, when I first heard someone describe what led to their own suicide attempt. My hackles bristled so fiercely I couldn’t hear the details. I resisted being dragged inside that bleak and scary place, as if despair were [...]

By |2018-06-04T13:14:41-07:00January 19th, 2018|Loss Survivor, Stories|Comments Off on Sharing Stories: How I Learned to Stop Fearing Attempt Survivors

Crisis Calling – Part Two

I’ll never forget the bitter winter morning a few years ago when my life would be forever changed, as it would for a woman we’ll call Rose - a young, single, working mom with another on the way. Rose wanted what we all want - a better life for her kids. I could easily relate. [...]

By |2018-06-05T15:28:02-07:00December 20th, 2017|Stories|Comments Off on Crisis Calling – Part Two

Being a Parent with Suicidal Thoughts

I am a more compassionate parent to my son because I live with suicidal thoughts. And it took me until this moment to realize that. Since trying to end my life over 15 years ago, I have seen a lot of doctors, tried a lot of different therapies, and a lot of diagnoses have been [...]

By |2017-10-09T14:47:00-07:00October 11th, 2017|Attempt Survivors, Hope|21 Comments

Hotel Room Drapes

The dark hotel room lurked around me; the cold blue and gray carpet oozing the dank sani-odor of disinfectants and air freshener. Hotel rooms are the Rorschachs of the soul, commoditized dwelling units designed as homes away from homes but always failing. What you see in a hotel room is what you bring to the [...]

By |2017-09-20T10:15:35-07:00September 20th, 2017|Attempt Survivors, Stories|1 Comment

Physical Health Bias in the Medical System

In this 3-part conversation, "Physical Health Bias in the Medical System,” psychologist Dr. April Foreman, psychologist Dr. William Schmitz Jr. and suicide loss survivor Shirlee Zane tell us why the medical system is failing our society when it comes to mental health and suicide prevention.

By |2017-08-25T12:28:09-07:00September 13th, 2017|Experts, Loss Survivor, Voices|Comments Off on Physical Health Bias in the Medical System
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