University of Pennsylvania
Harnwell College House University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesThe University of Pennsylvania Counseling and Psychological Services is hosting a free screening of The S Word.
The University of Pennsylvania Counseling and Psychological Services is hosting a free screening of The S Word.
The Tennessee Psychological Association will host a screening of the one-hour version of The S Word at their state convention followed by a one hour lecture on suicide prevention issues.
The Entrepreneurs' Organization of Kansas City is hosting a screening of The S Word for their members. Director Lisa Klein will lead a Q & A following the film.
SAMHSA'S Garrett Lee Smith Eastern Kentucky University Suicide Awareness and Focus on Education Grant (EKU SAFE) and EKU National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Club will present a free screening of The S Word.
Modoc County Health Services is presenting a free screening of The S Word for the community.
Modoc County Health Services is presenting a free screening of The S Word for the community.
The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline is hosting their 6th Anniversary Fundraiser featuring a screening of The S Word. Ticket price includes post-film Q & A with film director Lisa Klein, appetizers & no-host bar.
Hoag Hospital will present a screening of The S Word followed by a discussion with director Lisa Klein.
Jewish Family Service, a member of the Kim Foundation's Metro Area Suicide Prevention Coalition, will host a screening of The S Word followed by a panel discussion. Director Lisa Klein will participate in the Q & A via Skype.
There will be a free screening of The S Word as part of the Festival of New American Theatre’s day on mental wellness. Susan Berk, an Executive Producer of The S Word, will introduce the film and participate in the panel discussion.
Director Lisa Klein will present The S Word followed by a Q & A at the 5th Annual Women of Resilience Conference in Santa Fe. The conference runs from February 14-17, 2019.
The Asian American Cultural Center will host a screening of The S Word.
Keene State College Counseling Center is co-sponsoring a screening of The S Word followed by a panel discussion featuring Director Lisa Klein.
Feed and Be Fed is hosting a screening of The S Word followed by a Q & A with director Lisa Klein.
The CGU Wellness Initiative will present a free screening of The S Word followed by a panel discussion featuring director Lisa Klein.
We are thrilled to be part of the AFS program that will bring The S Word to Lithuania for ten screenings beginning April 15th - April 19th. Director Lisa Klein will participate in panel discussions at various screenings.
A free community screening of The S Word will be followed by a panel discussion.
The Redondo Beach Council PTA is sponsoring a screening of The S Word followed by a panel discussion featuring director Lisa Klein. Jean Toh and Ann Taylor, who are featured in the film, will also take part in the discussion.
The S Word will be screened at 5:30 pm on May 3rd at the first annual LGBT Mental Healthcare Conference in Richmond, Kentucky.
Adult Education Speaker and Film Series at Kol Tikvah presents a screening of The S Word. This portion of the series is entitled Emotional Struggles. Director Lisa Klein will be the featured guest speaker at this event.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, the San Mateo County Library and StarVista will present a free community screening of The S Word in Pacifica.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, Connect Summit County will host a free screening of The S Word for the community.
Child & Family Services of the Upper Peninsula will present a free screening The S Word followed by a discussion with director Lisa Klein via Skype.
The 11th annual Reel Mind Theatre and Film Series will screen The S Word followed by a panel discussion with Kelechi Ubozoh who is featured in the film.
Mercyhurst University and Safe Harbor Behavioral Health of UPMC Hamot will present a screening of The S Word.