Northeast Ohio Medical University screened THE S WORD during their Campus Safety and Suicide Prevention Symposium: Cultivating Caring Campuses. Director Lisa Klein had the honor of moderating the panel discussion that followed the screening. The film and discussion were open to students, staff, faculty, and community organizations not attending the full-day symposium.


“Our mission at the OPCSMH is to serve as a resource center promoting a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion at college campuses across the state of Ohio through collaboration with community stakeholders to prevent campus suicide and create a culture of care on Ohio campuses.

In line with our mission, this symposium will provide education on evidence-based, culturally relevant resources related to campus suicide prevention and mental health promotion through presentations from industry experts and creating and fostering a safe space for discussion of mental health and campus safety topics, including but not limited to mental health stigma, suicide risk, and substance misuse.”