THE S WORD recently descended on the town of Cloverdale, CA in beautiful Sonoma County. The day began with a screening of the new one-hour, school-friendly version at Cloverdale High School, followed by a group discussion with director Lisa Klein. The students were blown away by the film, which elicited comments such as “I think you should bring this movie to every high school in America and every student should watch it,” and “We need this film – so many of us are struggling.” The success of the visit was summed up by one girl who said: I feel fortunate for being able to watch it. Thank you.” She went on to add, after watching this film I have a new perspective on suicide now. You don’t know how it can happen.”
The visit was meaningful for Lisa as well. At the conclusion she said, “When I looked out onto that group of kids, I was so moved. I told them ‘You guys are the ones who are going to clean up our mess. Seeing you here today reinforces my belief that you all are going to change things – and stop the silence around suicide.’

Thank you to Joe Dobbins, English/Drama Teacher, Kathryn Hecht, AV Film society and the amazing students who attended our special screening.

We loved visiting Cloverdale High School and a big thank you to the faculty and students for an amazing day.
Later that evening it was the adults’ turn, with a screening of the full-length version and Q&A session at the Clover Theater, sponsored by the Alexander Valley Film Society.